The Australian/Vogel Literary Award

The Australian/Vogel Literary Award is an Australian literary award for unpublished manuscripts by writers under the age of 35. The prize money, currently A$20,000, is the richest and most prestigious award for an unpublished manuscript in Australia. The rules of the competition include that the winner's work be published by Allen and Unwin.[1]

The award was initiated in 1979 by Niels Stevns[1] and is a collaboration between The Australian newspaper, the publisher Allen & Unwin, and Stevns & Company Pty Ltd. Stevns, founder of the company which makes Vogel bread, named the award in honour of Swiss naturopath Alfred Vogel.



  1. ^ a b Goodwin (1986) p. 270
  2. ^ [1] Lists of Bests, winners of the Australian/Vogel Literary Award, website accessed 5 November 2006
